Consolidation - basics according to IFRS and difference to CZ GAAP
2012-05-14 00:00:00
PricewaterhouseCoopers Česká republika, s.r.o.
Seminar gives you knowledge of basic rules of consolidation of existed group and accounting for acquisition and disposals of the companies according to both CZ GAAP and IFRS. Seminar covers IAS 27 (Consolidated financial statements), IAS 28 (Investment in associates), IFRS 3 (Business combinations) and IFRS 5 (Assets held for sale and discontinued operations). Practical examples show you basic consolidation adjustments, such as elimination of intercompany transactions and balances focused on inventories and fixed assets purchased within group, goodwill, etc.
Venue: PwC premises, Kateřinská 40, Praha 2
Time: 8.30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Language: Czech
Price of one day seminar: CZK 8,900 + VAT
The course price includes training, materials, morning and afternoon refreshment.
For attending each of these one-day seminars, you are eligible to gain 8 points towards your Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
How to reserve a place?
For more information and for registration, please fill in the registration form at or write an email to Should you have any questions, please contact Martina Kopsová,
tel.: +420 251 151 816.