Taxes 2018 - update/changes followed by Finance committee
2017-12-01 09:00:00
Address: AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1
AmCham seminar on Taxation - changes/update for 2018 followed by Business & Finance committee meeting. Join us to get more info about changes in 2018 in the area of VAT and transfer pricing. We will brainstorm other topics and plan upcoming seminars on: Employee´s engagement, products/services for Senior employees to retein them, new rules - PSD2 . Read more..
AmCham seminar on Taxation - changes/update for 2018 followed by Finance committee meeting. Register online under your company password or by email at
1) Seminar on Taxes 2018 - updates/changes Drivers: Hana Brothánková & Ondřej Štědrý of IB Grant Thornton, and Tomáš Brandejs of Deloitte (In Czech language)
Areas of discussion:
Transfer pricing:
- Basic rules and consequences
- Risk factors
- What’s in the viewfinder of the tax authority?
- Practical experience from the tax authority inspections
- Country-by-country reporting
- Recent amendments of the Czech VAT Act
- Update on important decisions of the Court of Justice of the EU in the field of VAT
- Future of the intracommunity trade with goods from the VAT perspective
Moderated by Gabriela Hoppe of IB Grant Thornton
2) Brainstorming on current trends in Business/finance, Customer Services, Employee engagement, new rules PSD2 - implementation/impacts, etc... - please send your suggestions by email at or join us to discuss it with other members and plan further seminars/discussions.
3) Planning for 2018 - January/ February
Full AGENDA - download HERE