The New Corporations Act and Civil Code: the Most Important (and Practical) Issues for Foreign Investors and Managers
2014-06-25 00:00:00
JŠK, advokátní kancelář, s.r.o.
Date: 25 June 2014, 8,30 a. m.
Speaker: Roman Kramařík/partner, JŠK.
Topic: The most important changes/news in contract law and tort law (including liability issues) and the most important changes in corporate law.
The most important changes/news in contract law and tort law (including liability issues):
- pre-contractual liability
- assignment of receivables
- construction of liability in commercial contracts
- new rules for industrial liability and liability for damages caused by pollution
- the new hardship provisions
- termination and amendment of long-term contracts
- new rules for set-off
- new rules for limitation periods
and more...
The most important changes in corporate law:
- How, when and why must the statutes be updated?
- How, when and why must the directors’ contracts be updated?
- Has the new law changed anything relating to directors’ liability?
- Reserve funds – they are no longer mandatory, but how can they be distributed?
- Relationship between directors and their companies
- Claims by minority shareholders
- Changes in valuation for departing shareholders in s.r.o.
- New options available for corporate structuring (voting, shares etc.)
- and more
8,30 – 9,00 Registration, buffet breakfast 10,30 – 11,00 Questions and answers
9,00 – 10,30 Seminar – presentations 11,00 – 12,00 Coffee /informal discussions
R.S.V.P. or 226 227 611