CERGE-EI is pleased to invite you to a public lecture by Prof. Eric Hanushek from Stanford University, USA.
Venue: CERGE-EI, Politických vězňů 7, 111 21 Prague 1
Date: September 18th, 2014
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
The event will be held in English and will be followed by a wine and cheese reception. Capacity is limited so please reserve your seat by Monday, September 15th, 2014. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FWDlAE2QAig3QIRUmCuTcXL0UhaHryNEqAmT8uzNMKg/viewform
*Prof. Eric Hanushek is the Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. A leader in the development of economic analysis of educational issues, his pioneering analysis measuring teacher quality forms the basis for current research into the value-added of teachers and schools. Prof. Hanushek has authored numerous, highly cited studies on the effects of class size reduction, high stakes accountability, value-added assessments of teacher quality, and other education related topics.