Tuesday 24 March 2015
Time: 10:00 EST | 15:00 GMT | 16:00 CET
Duration: 1 hour
Speakers: Melody Moore, Management Consultant, Hay Group
Lucy Beaumont, Solutions Director, Talent Q
With competition for roles increasing, graduates need to get up to speed quickly. They need soft skills such as being able to rapidly build rapport and work well with others to succeed. Because it’s those skills that have become sought-after around the world. Yet recruiters say graduates don’t have them.
In this webinar, we will reveal that our data shows that the current generation of graduates has just as much potential to perform as their predecessors.
Join us and you’ll discover:
how to identify graduates with the potential for soft skills
how to make sure you maximize their potential
how to use technology to develop strong emotional and social skills
how to motivate graduates to take ownership of their own development.
The webinar is free of charge.
REGISTRATION: http://www.workcast.com/register?pak=1358370827007076&refferer=yammer