We would like to invite you to a conference
Main aim of the conference is to shed light on the approaches to corporate financing, which are best suited for the current phase of the business cycle. Rather than on traditional approaches, we would like to focus on new trends with regard to anticipated developments. The current development of business financing will be examined from cost and tax perspective with respect to availability of resources.
The conference is organized by publishing house Economia and PricewaterhouseCoopers assumed the role of a conference partner.
Date: 25. June 2009, from 9a.m. until 1p.m.
Venue: Hotel Barceló Praha, Na Strži 32, Praha 4
Price: 3900Kc (VAT excluded)
We offer you a discount of 15% from the price, if you register with us. Please contact Andrea Bartoňová via e-mail andrea.bartonova@cz.pwc.com or call at +420 251 151 825.
The conference will be conducted in Czech.
For more information about the program, please click here.