What crimes can a company be found guilty of?
Is your company ready for the new legislation?
Get answers to these and many other questions from our lawyers Ivana Fára and Tomáš Matějovský during the Criminal Liability Seminar.
The Proposal of the Act on Criminal Liability of Artificial Legal Persons and Proceedings Against Them is currently under discussion in the Upper Chamber of the Czech Parliament. Its passing will be an important milestone in the development of Czech criminal law, as far as companies are concerned. Until now the exclusive criminal liability of natural persons resulted in a situation where it was impossible to hold a company liable for crimes committed in connection with its activities by its representatives. In relation to this, the new law brings a significant change.
As a consequence, new important issues will arise that become relevant for companies in very near future, since the new Act is supposed to enter into force already on 1 January 2012. It is therefore important for companies to get acquainted with the basics of this new legislation and its possible implications for their businesses.
We will also offer practical advice on how to prepare for the new law.
Presentations will be followed by a question and answer session, and you will have the opportunity to meet experts on a one-on-one basis.
We hope you will be able to join us.
Please note there is no charge for this
seminar - please RSVP to register for the event at Prague.Events@cms-cmck.com
Presentations will be held in Czech.