While difficult economic circumstances can do a great deal of damage to companies, they also provide tremendous opportunities for creation of competitive advantage. For example, during difficult times, companies are often faced with laying off employees, cutting off suppliers, decreasing service to customers, dropping funding to community groups, etc. While such actions can be seen as unethical, and can create long-term damage in those stakeholder relationships, such actions, if done correctly, can also cement and deepen such relationships. In this session, we'll discuss conceptual models for building, and examples of companies that have been able to build, stronger stakeholder relationships during difficult times. We'll examine potential actions and how being able to overcome so-called oxymorons can improve your business.
Brad Agle is an Associate Professor of Strategy, Organizations, and Environment. A top-rated and award-winning teacher and researcher, Dr. Agle teaches courses in business ethics and strategic leadership, and has taught in Brazil, China, Britain, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. His teaching brought the University of Pittsburgh the distinction of being the #2 ranked executive MBA program in the world in business ethics by Business Week. In the undergraduate area, Dr. Agle created the Certificate Program in Leadership and Ethics, the world's first integrated undergraduate specialty in ethical leadership in business. His work has been featured in various media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, USA Today, and CNN, and he has been a guest on CNBC's "Morning Call", "Power Lunch", and "Closing Bell".