When you get the idea of hosting a party or a family gathering at your home, pause for a second and think about it. You certainly may spend a day tidying up and cooking, then run around with plates and glasses for at least six hours between your kitchen and living room or terrace and perform the role of a clown in the few free moments between serving refreshments and filling-up glasses, and finish with vacuum cleaning after the door closes behind the last guest...
But it seems a lot easier to invite your guests to a restaurant or a children’s centre. The selected venue should be easily accessible and interesting. Think about all the attending children when planning the activities. Places with children’s playgrounds or play rooms with many toys work the best.
Another year of age calls for a great party. Just ask the birthday boy or girl what should their dream party be like as the parents’ and children’s ideas often quite differ. Forget the healthy lifestyle for once and let your children have what they really want. A party where kids play all the time and do only what they feel like, with unlimited supply of minipizzas, ice cream and limonade, is usually a guaranteed success. Do not force the children to participate in any educational games or sports activities (these things only seem like fun to you) when they want to watch a film. Animators, clowns and theme-parties when children wear masks and get in a role are the most popular with children up to 10-12 years of age. And, certainly, tricks, magicians and face painting. if you add a little gift for all attendees, your eternal fame is guaranteed.