The first part of this seminar focuses on corporate income tax payable and offers a complete overview of costs, revenues and other items, which usually require a specific treatment in corporate income tax returns of the taxpayers keeping books under Slovak Accounting Standards. The seminar provides also information about the most important changes in this area, effective from 2014. The second part of the seminar focuses on changes in VAT law, for example, changes in VAT registrations, VAT Ledger – new liability for all taxpayers or new way of credit notes and debit notes reporting.
Date: 17 February 2014
Time: 8.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m.
Venue: PwC premises, City Green Court, Hvězdova 1734/2c, Prague 4
Language: Slovak
You wil gain: 5 CPD points
Price: CZK 5 900 + DPH
For more information and registration see