3M Cesko is co initiator and general partner of Czech Innovation (Česká inovace o.p.s.) which plays vital role in creating and improvement of the innovation environment in the Czech Republic. Czech innovation strives to establish Czech Republic as one of the most important innovation players in the world. That is why it builds the metaphor of an “innovation playground” and invites all innovation talents and enthusiasts to play. This metaphor comes to life in the form of Festival of Innovation on the 14th of March 2014.
The program of the Festival is full of interesting talks and workshops held by inspirational people. Starting with the introduction of the innovation environment in the Czech republic David Vrba, General manager of 3M Cesko and recognized authority among innovators, takes the floor.
The main guest is Tony Ulwick, the founder and CEO of Strategyn, major global consulting company focusing on innovations. Tony is the author of Outcome-Driven Innovation method, which connects the company values with the values defined by the customer.
At the end of the Festival the winner of Czech Innovation competition will be announced. The competition is a crucial part of the innovation platform and as such it gathers promising projects in individual categories and chooses a winner in each of them. Some of the categories are “The most Promising Innovation” or “The most Innovative Company”.
For more information please visit www.festival-cin.cz