Leadership evenings with Marv Shamma
Interpersonal risk-taking and psychological safety. How closely are they related? How important is a healthy team environment and the shared faith of team members for the opportunity to innovate? Why keep employees in greater mental well-being and how does psychological safety affect efficiency and co-creation within a team?
Discover the possibilities and learn best-practices for strengthening psychological safety in your team in a moderated discussion by Marv Shamma. Find out what new behavioral studies, Google scientists and Harvard experts have to say on this topic. You can also look forward to unique guests in the panel discussion, this time Jakub Nešetřil (Czech Republic.Digital) and Lucie Brešová (Kiwi.com, Pocket Virtuality).
Marv Shamma, a respected tech leader who has combined his expertise in artificial intelligence and human resource management skills for the past 15 years, will give you a lecture on leadership and working with talent. He has experience in building his own startups (co-founder Veracity Protocol and ONEPROVE), works as a mentor for Prg.ai, builds workshops for teams of multinational companies and in his latest project Flowberry aims to share and transfer experience in mentoring, talent support and building team effectiveness.
The event is suitable for all industries. It is most relevant for team leaders, managers responsible for the management and development of people and HR.
Payment by card only on the spot. Proceeds from the event will go live to support the project ŘEDITEL NAŽIVO, because we believe that investing in education makes sense.
17/09/2020 18:00
organized by:
Opero, Flowberry
Marv Shamma
100 persons
950 CZK, free for members after registration, 50% discount for AmCham members
* The language of the event will be Czech or English depending on the audience.