• Arts
  • Language Services
  • Furniture
  • Educational Services
  • Private Equity
  • Event Management
  • Nonprofit / Foundation
  • Manufacturing
  • Information Technology
  • Human Resources
  • Hotels and Restaurants
  • Health Care & Pharmaceuticals
  • Media - Broadcast and Publishing
  • Engineering / Construction
  • Food Products, Beverages and Tobacco
  • Petroleum Industry
  • Wholesale and Retail Trade
  • Travel and Leisure
  • Transporting, Moving and Warehousing
  • Telecommunications
  • Security Services
  • Real Estate
  • Marketing and Public Relations
  • Energy
  • Finance
  • Consumer Goods
  • Law Companies
  • Consultancy
  • Architecture
  • Airlines


The digital age with everything ... The results of Global Entertainment & Media Outlook: 2012-2016

2012-09-18 00:00:00
Company: PricewaterhouseCoopers Česká republika, s.r.o.
Global Entertainment & Media Outlook is annual PwC analysis of revenues and trends in 13 segments of mass entertainment and media in 48 countries from all over the world in the form of prognosis of revenues development in different segments for 5 years and it also includes the comparison with last years´ data.
  • datum: 18. září 2012, od 15:30 hodin
  • místo: střešní kavárna budovy PwC, Kateřinská 40, Praha 2

Akce je určena pouze pro zvané, ostatní zájemci mohou v případě zájmu kontaktovat zodpovědnou osovu:Tereza Herciková, tereza.hercikova@cz.pwc.com.

Přednášky a diskuse budou v českém a anglickém jazyce.
Účast na setkání je bezplatná.


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